MONDAY MEDITATION: The Most Offensive Parable (April 26)

And when they received it, they grumbled against the landowner, saying, “These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.” – Matthew 20:11-12 (NRSV) These workers are angry because they’ve been working since dawn and the ones who were …

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angry mature man arguing with woman in cafe

MONDAY MEDITATION: Don’t Create Problems (February 1)

“I conclude that we shouldn’t create problems for Gentiles who turn to God.” – Acts 15:19 These are the words of Jesus’ brother, James. As the head of the Jerusalem church, he’s declaring what the church must always remember. He was speaking to a faction within the church that wasn’t happy that non-Jews were saved …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: Reverse Adoption (August 31)

NOTE: Recently our pet beagle, Jake, passed away. One person suggested doing some meditations based on reflections on our four-legged friend. So, each day this week I’ll pass on a doggie devotion. Our regular weekly/Monday meditations will resume next week. Hope these are meaningful for you! One fall afternoon, 2015, my wife was working in …

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