MONDAY MEDITATION: College Time (August 26, 2019)

1 Corinthians 13:8-11 Having served as a campus minister for several years, I became acutely aware of how traumatic the transition between high school and college could be. Many young people, having been raised in sheltered environments, had to discover shocking truths. Clothes don’t wash themselves. Bathrooms don’t clean themselves. Checking accounts have to be …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: Loving Reality (August 19, 2019)

John 20:1-18 Jean Vanier (pictured above) encountered the neglect and suffering of people with intellectual/developmental disabilities. He decided to do something about it and established a global movement (“L’Arche”) that provides authentic care and community for them.  He once said, “The big thing for me is to love reality, and not live in the imagination …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: 7,000 Diapers (Aug. 12, 2019)

Isaiah 49:13-18 That’s the estimate of how many times a child will be changed before earning their potty training degree. 7,000. A daunting number that could prompt any sane couple to double-think the parenting thing. Yet they choose it. Sometimes they even choose to have an additional child before the first one has graduated from …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: Time to Awake (August 5, 2019)

Ephesians 5:8-20 When you’re asleep, you mistake delusions for reality. In daylight you know that you’re not really falling or that you’re not taking a final exam in a class you’ve never attended. The only danger is to believe those dreams are real when you’re awake. It’s easy to live in a dream-like state that …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: The Mark of Cain (July 29)

Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let’s go out to the field.” When they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him. –– Genesis 4:8 The earliest story of sibling rivalry doesn’t end well for either brother. One dies a quick death while the other pays for his action a little …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: The Trimming Season (July 22, 2019)

John 15:1-9 I’m writing this at the end of the first week of my retirement. It’s been a really weird week. The week before had been a flurry of activity and a jumble of emotions. Emails, phone calls, meetings, a retirement party, preparations for the new pastor, all leading up to final Sunday worship services …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: Peace in Stress? (July 15, 2019)

Philippians 4:4-9 I believe in the value of stress busters. Massage therapy. Aromatherapy. Guided imagery. Meditation. Exercise. Vacation. All are good. They recharge your batteries. However, once you roll off the massage table, you still have to negotiate rush hour traffic. Stress hasn’t left. “Are you finished?” it seems to ask. “Now, let’s get back …

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