MONDAY MEDITATION: The Companion Church (March 6)

Forget about deciding what’s right for each other. Here’s what you need to be concerned about: that you don’t get in the way of someone else, making life more difficult than it already is. — Romans 14:13 (The Message) When Paul wrote “forget about deciding what’s right for each other,” he was addressing Christians who …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: A Matter of Perspective (June 6)

God’s purpose is now to show the rulers and powers in the heavens the many different varieties of his wisdom through the church. –Ephesians 3:10 What’s not to like about flying? Endless lines. Baggage fees. High ticket prices. Cramped seats. Rude passengers. Canceled flights. Lost luggage. Have I missed anything? Yet, the complaints don’t quite seem …

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One Country, Two Views

In the quest to be broadminded, I’m reading two opposing books. One is Newt Gingrich’s Beyond Biden: Rebuilding the America We Love. The other is Jon Meacham’s The Soul of America: The Battle for Our Better Angels. I want to see the underlying assumptions of each writer, and why they write what they write. I …

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Hear Their Stories

In a school district in suburban St. Louis county, a controversy arose over the teaching of diversity curriculum. St. Louis Post-Dispatch columnist Aisha Sultan described it, detailing the heated feelings and speeches.  In one forum, a woman of color told of her own experience with racism. A nearby white woman responded to her, “No, you …

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Dogs Nipping at Your Heels?

Summers in rural Missouri held one fun diversion: lookout towers. These are now relics of a past, pre-satellite, era. It was when rangers would sit 150 feet up, scanning for forest fires. It was also when country kids would stair-step those 150 feet to get a bird’s view of the Ozark Mountains. For me, though, …

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Tragedy in Church

A horrible event happened in the church I serve. Last Sunday morning (Feb. 17), a man entered the building and asked a greeter where the rest room was.  Once there, alone, he took his life. Our staff and security personnel responded quickly and appropriately. Happening toward the end of the last worship service, the congregation …

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