MONDAY MEDITATION: Singles or Homeruns? (October 19)

“At that time, the Lord commanded me to teach you all the regulations and the case laws that you must keep in the land that you are entering to possess.” – Deuteronomy 4:14

It’s been well over a year since I retired. Occasionally I ask myself, “Isn’t there something important I should be doing? Teaching? Writing? Pastoring a part-time church?”

But…why always swing for the fences?

I have to remember that God calls us to do different things at different times in our lives. Moses astutely noted that “at that time” he was called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. However, before that, he was called to lead sheep in pastures.

Regardless of great things or small things, God chooses the time and gives us unmistakable nudges, accordingly. No need to force the issue: just keep open each day to the possibility of when “that time” may be.

Personally, maybe retirement is the time of being open more for leading sheep than for leading people. It seems more appropriate to listen for God’s call in the so-called “smaller” things in life.

My wife collects and sells antiques, specializing in antique buttons. “At this time” my calling is to help her. I’ve gone from “Senior Pastor” to “Assistant Button Dealer.” My daughter says that’s a good title. I’m agreeing with her.

God may not be calling us to do great things. Looking for homeruns leads to an increased number of strikeouts. Sometimes we think more of ourselves than we should when we imagine some high, noble calling, along with the vanity of circling the bases amid the cheering crowd. Ego can do strange things to callings.

God always, though, calls us to do small things in great ways. (Maybe small things in our eyes are really great things in God’s eyes?) Hitting more singles keeps you on the bases and in the game longer than whiffing on strike three and riding the bench.

We may occasionally hit one out of the park.

But that’s for God to decide, “at that time.”

11 thoughts on “MONDAY MEDITATION: Singles or Homeruns? (October 19)”

  1. Your meditation reminds me of my favorite quote…

    “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love” —Mother Theresa

    Thank you, Pastor Greg!

  2. It’s hard realizing and accepting retirement but accept it we must. I’ve had many little jobs since retiring from being teacher. However, I’ve been blessed w grandchildren and that’s when you hit the homeruns.
    Praying you get there someday.

  3. Each meditation you write gives me “food for thought” and makes me search my soul. Thank you. Let me know if you do that part-time pastor thing.

  4. At this time your call may be to simply write this blog. I enjoy your wisdom. Your writing is definitely a form of pastoring.

  5. Pastor Greg,
    I’m picturing you at the Antique Button show. Someone walks up to see what you have. She says her husband did that before he died, with tears in her eyes. Then you know you were made for this moment.


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