MONDAY MEDITATION: Where’s Jesus? (May 13)

“You have heard me tell you, ‘I’m going away and returning to you.’” — John 14:28 The spiritual life, for me, is filled with ups and downs. There are times when everything clicks and you feel Jesus’ closeness, but most of the time he seems far away. It’s like the Transfiguration story. You’re walking along …

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The Reality We Choose

As I see social media posts and read stories and blogs, I grow more convinced that we choose our own reality. As Father Richard Rohr expressed, “People with a distorted image of self, world, or God will be largely incapable of experiencing what is Really Real in the world. They’ll see instead what they need …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: Literally? (March 4)

Once the apostles and other believers heard this, they calmed down. They praised God and concluded, “So then God has enabled Gentiles to change their hearts and lives so that they might have new life.” — Acts 11:18 A lot is packed into the above verse. The setting is when the church leaders in Jerusalem …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: “Let Me Love You” (January 8)

“Don’t be like them, because your Father knows what you need before you ask.” — Matthew 6:8 I’m a planner. Always have been, always will be. I look ahead, anticipate things, and strategize to either make good things happen or keep bad things from happening. Planners, by definition, have difficulty relinquishing control. That’s not exactly …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: “Just Keep Trusting” (August 21)

But Jesus overheard their report and said to the synagogue leader, “Don’t be afraid; just keep trusting.” — Mark 5:36 If you read Mark 5:21-43, you get a clear picture of both Jesus’ compassion as well as faith. The synagogue leader had come to Jesus asking him to heal his daughter. However, word came that …

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A Self-Correcting Faith

Every so often you run across a quote that stops and makes you think, like this one from Rev. Molly Phinney Baskette: “Our faith, frail as it is sometimes, is also flexible. It is self-correcting as we have profound encounters with people who are different from us and are exposed to new experiences and ideas.” …

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