MONDAY MEDITATION: The Widening Power of Grace (May 20)

I’ve sinned against you—you alone. I’ve committed evil in your sight…Yes, I was born in guilt, in sin, from the moment my mother conceived me. — Psalm 51:4-5

These are David’s words after he admitted his guilt in his affair with Bathsheba, which entailed having her husband Uriah murdered. Pretty bad, sinful stuff. And he should feel like a worm, as his confession expresses.

Isn’t it interesting, though, how guilt–good guilt, in this case–narrows our vision? We focus only on what we did and extrapolate it into painting a picture of ourselves that’s monster-like: I’ve been sinful “from the moment my mother conceived me!”

The reality is that David was one of the most faithful, daring, passionate-for-God persons who ever lived. There’s a reason Jesus was linked to David. But caught in his guilt, the king couldn’t see any of this.

The experience of being forgiven, eventually, enables a clearer view of who we really are: people incredibly gifted and loved, with the ability to love in return and make the world a more beautiful place. Being given a second chance widens our vision. And we see God, not as the one wielding a rod, but one who opens the door and says, “Welcome home!”

2 thoughts on “MONDAY MEDITATION: The Widening Power of Grace (May 20)”

  1. Such a beautiful concept. I believe some of my early religious experiences as a child involved more guilt than forgiveness. No wonder my earthy father rejected religious institutes. Thanks for a lovely little thought.


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