MONDAY MEDITATION: What if There Were No Liberals or Conservatives? (September 30)

There is neither Jew nor Greek; there is neither slave nor free; nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. — Galatians 3:28

Sometimes you can tell how inspired a biblical text is by how people resist believing or following it.

Paul’s famous verse from Galatians is pretty and idealistic. And church history shows that Christians either didn’t read it or, if they did, rationalized not following it. Look at how the church divided up, and discriminated against, people. There were heretics and the orthodox. Male and female. Saints and sinners. Free and slave. Gay and straight. And today: liberals and conservatives.

Since the church has done a poor job in breaking down barriers, our faith seems to have done a poor job in standing up against the political rhetoric that demonizes. There are the godless, socialist progressives. There are the neanderthal, racist traditionalists.

Paul’s amazing teaching says that we humans are better than this. We are meant for the higher calling of living with others, especially those different from ourselves, with openness, curiosity, and respect. We can learn from those not in our own tribe. And in the process, we can even expand our tribe by including them. Ultimately, there’s only one tribe, and that’s called the people of God.

We Christians should really remember that there are no “those people.” There are only living beings with the same hopes and needs and fears. Treating them as fellow humans and not as stereotypes is the beginning.

This is why humility may be the most difficult virtue of all.

3 thoughts on “MONDAY MEDITATION: What if There Were No Liberals or Conservatives? (September 30)”

  1. Mighty difficult for me but less so than before. I’m working on it and believe I’m making some progress with help from God.

  2. As a faithful Christian I agree with Galatians with all my heart. But don’t feel the tribe is in agreement! I pray we will all join in and support the ideas proposed in Galatians! Our world needs it!


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