MONDAY MEDITATION: That’s Worship (November 18)

God saw everything he had made: it was supremely good. There was evening and there was morning: the sixth day. — Genesis 1:31

One evening my wife opened a box and found a long-ago picture of our kids. Our son was around 7 and our daughter, 2. Their smiles are boundless in that photo. They’re beaming, full of happiness and excitement. Their profound joy in living at that moment is forever captured. Seeing them like that melted my heart. Whoever the photographer was earned their pay that day, to capture such expressions.

I wonder…Whenever we see other children…or fawns…or chicks…or jonquils: Is it possible to have that same joy? To let them melt our hearts? When we can view all children…or fawns…or chicks…or jonquils as photos of creation celebrating the sheer happiness of living: Isn’t that really a sincere form of worship, with no hymnal or liturgy needed?

How wonderfully insightful was that ancient Hebrew who affirmed that the Creator finally pushed the pause button on creating, looked at everything, and felt deep down that it was supremely good.

We’re all connected to others’ children…fawns…chicks…jonquils. All sprang from the heart of God and have the joy and happiness that I saw in that picture of my son and daughter.

When we can feel our hearts move by the happiness of all around us, we know what God feels. That’s worship.

4 thoughts on “MONDAY MEDITATION: That’s Worship (November 18)”

  1. A joyous picture. Oh to go through life w such joy. Good to see you yesterday and so happy to know you are living the retired life w zest!!!


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