MONDAY MEDITATION: Awakening (January 20)

The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants too. — Psalm 24:1

I believe “converting” to Christianity is a very limiting term. It implies feeling sorry for how you’ve lived, re-thinking things, and reorganizing your life. When I was younger, that described my becoming a Christian. But looking back now, I see all those things were but part of a greater whole. A better term describing the conversion experience is “awakening.”

As a teen, after beginning to take the gospel seriously, when I walked the hills and valleys of our farm, I started seeing things differently. The dogwoods, May apples, greening of the pastures, sunset reflections in the lake…all were now connected to a wise, caring Creator. They weren’t things but expressions of that Creator’s love–just as were the raccoons, opossums, squirrels, rabbits, and even snakes. And so were the people around me–walking, talking miracles to whom I was somehow mystically connected.

Now I see that the purpose of religion, regardless of type, is to awaken us and guide us on the path of celebrating our connectedness. As a Christian, I believe Jesus is an amazing guide worthy of my total devotion. He constantly shocked and surprised people as he lived with them; he did the same for me as a kid; he continues to do so for us all.

Any faith that divides is misguided and has ulterior motives.

Any faith that celebrates our intimacy to the Creator, nature, and each other is inspired.

It all starts with the grace of opening our eyes.

POSTSCRIPT: In last week’s meditation, I mentioned in passing that I’d had shoulder surgery, and several folks shared best wishes and prayers for my recovery. That was unexpected but appreciated! It’s been five weeks since Santa gave me a new shoulder for Christmas, and it’s doing very well. If anyone needs a great orthopedic surgeon, let me know.

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