MONDAY MEDITATION: A Prayer for Our Leaders (July 1)

Some people trust in chariots, others in horses; but we praise the Lord’s name. — Psalm 20:7

With July 4th this week, I thought it might make sense to offer a prayer for those who govern.

David, who was as political as they came, also had the spiritual insight to know that in the end, the measure of a leader is not how adept they are at reading the polls and doing things that will ensure election/reelection. They shouldn’t be concerned with the number of chariots and the size of horses, which are always big crowd pleasers. Rather, the measure is how they “praise the Lord’s name,” even if doing so results in them taking a hit at the polls.

So, a simple prayer: “Lord, thank you for those who follow the high calling of leading our community, state, nation, world. Bestow upon them a vision that transcends geographical boundaries and self-interest. Give them vision to see what is just, fair, and compassionate, regardless. Help them surround themselves with people who are not just smart but also have solid morals and values. And show us how to select our leaders based on the passion we have to help bring your kingdom a little closer to earth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

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