MONDAY MEDITATION: The Companion Church (March 6)

Forget about deciding what’s right for each other. Here’s what you need to be concerned about: that you don’t get in the way of someone else, making life more difficult than it already is. — Romans 14:13 (The Message) When Paul wrote “forget about deciding what’s right for each other,” he was addressing Christians who …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: A Humble Role Model (February 27)

“Here’s my recommendation in this case: Distance yourselves from these men. Let them go! If their plan or activity is of human origin, it will end in ruin. If it originates with God, you won’t be able to stop them. Instead, you would actually find yourselves fighting God!” — Acts 5:38-39 These words were spoken by …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: A Measure of Life (February 20)

You return people to dust, saying, “Go back, humans.” — Psalm 90:3 I was reading an old sermon of mine on the eternal question of why we suffer. In it, I ran across a poem written by Ken Brewer, a man dying of pancreatic cancer. I measure my life in family who speak through tears, who serve me …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: The Fifth Dentist (February 6)

Don’t you have eyes? Why can’t you see? Don’t you have ears? Why can’t you hear? Don’t you remember? — Mark 8:18 Scientist and author Paul Wallace once commented on a popular advertisement from a few years ago: “Have you seen that commercial for a sugarless gum, the one where ‘4 out of 5 dentists recommend …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: A Blonde Virgin Mary (January 23)

Every scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for showing mistakes, for correcting, and for training character. — 2 Timothy 3:16 My home church in Poplar Bluff was putting on a Christmas pageant. I was asked to narrate it. As a teenager deeply involved in church, and planning on entering the ministry, I was …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: Be Sure to Add Justice (January 16)

All will sit underneath their own grapevines, under their own fig trees. There will be no one to terrify them; for the mouth of the Lord of heavenly forces has spoken. — Micah 4:4 I was reading Micah 4 one day and read about beating swords into plows and spears into pruning hooks. Where had I heard that …

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