Recent Thoughts

MONDAY MEDITATION: What Happened to That Lost Sheep? (March 17)

MONDAY MEDITATION: What Happened to That Lost Sheep? (March 17)

In the same way, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who changes both...
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MONDAY MEDITATION: A Lesson from Saying Goodbye (March 10)

MONDAY MEDITATION: A Lesson from Saying Goodbye (March 10)

Someone else said to Jesus, “I will follow you, Lord, but first let me say good-bye to those in my...
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Paul or Demetrius?

Paul or Demetrius?

[Demetrius said,] "You can see and hear that this Paul has convinced and misled a lot of people, not only...
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Addressing Atheism: Is Authentic Faith Possible?

Exploring faith that makes sense and feels right.

Twenty-eight daily devotions from real life stories.

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Reflections asking tough questions, seeking honest answers. 

I grew up in southern Missouri with a fondness for nature, Jesus and science…

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Book of the Month

Do I Stay Christian? A Guide for the Doubters, the Disappointed, and the Disillusioned
Do I Stay Christian? A Guide for the Doubters, the Disappointed, and the Disillusioned

July, 2022 Selection This is a must-read for all of us! It helps us reflect critically--and honestly--on our faith, and invites us into exploring new expressions of it. Brian McLaren writes clearly, brilliantly, and humbly. You can find it her [...]

Comments From a "Friendly AtheisT"

“As someone on the opposite side of the theological spectrum from Pastor Weeks, I appreciate his ability to discuss faith in a personal way without trying to score easy points with fellow believers. (He even gives credit to the other side where it's due, which is a rare treat these  days!)  We come to very different conclusions about God, but I have a lot of respect for people who open themselves up to debate and discussion. Addressing Atheism is an excellent starting point for Christians seeking out conversations with atheists.”

, American atheist activist; blogger at The Friendly Atheist.