Starting with the Ferguson tragedy in 2014, I’ve written Faith Perspective columns for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and its online version, Here’s an archive of some of them.

With the inauguration of President Biden, I pray our country will move from "disorder" to "reorder." (January 22, 2021)

Some Christian values are clear--and I hope our next president believes in them. (February 4, 2020)

How do you reflect Christian love to someone with whom you don't just disagree, but really don't like? The squabble between Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump may be a good example of the dilemma. (January 2, 2020)

When we get to know those different from ourselves, we discover just how very much we have in common. (December 4, 2019)

What positive influence can a Christian make in the current political scene? (November 1, 2019)

The negative response by some to teen activist Greta Thunberg's plea for the environment raises a question. How much do we truly love our children? (October 5, 2019)

A response to a school bullying incident shows that goodness does reside in the human heart. We just need to show it, to both victims and bullies. (September 14, 2019)

For the American experiment, as well as the Christian experiment, to work, it will take people giving up individual freedoms for the greater good. That should be the value undergirding the discussion around gun control. (August 15, 2019)

Does democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden have anything to apologize for because he worked with racist legislators? (June 26, 2019)

We can't seem to talk about social issues without demonizing the other side. There's a better way to bridge our differences. (May 31, 2019)

For faith communities to be relevant, it's important to listen to, and learn from, the secular world. (May 4, 2019)

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can hit anywhere, including the church. What can be done? (April 3, 2019)

If the United Methodist Church, or any church, is apprehensive of new, varied voices, it can’t move into the future creatively. (March 1, 2019)

What does it mean to say that the future face of Christianity may bear a resemblance to Lady Gaga? (February 1, 2019)

Some things are out of our control. That doesn’t mean, though, that we need to live in a climate of perpetual fear. If we want 2019 to be better, we can take responsibility for making it better. (Jan. 4, 2019)

Atheists can provide insights, and examples of courage, to believers. (Nov 30, 2018)

You can’t sow hate and expect to receive love. You can’t do violence, with words or actions, and expect peace. (Oct 31, 2018)

When people see the same situation and come to opposing conclusions, it makes you ask why. (Oct 3, 2018)

In his 5 ½ years as a POW, John McCain quietly led worship, encouraged his fellow inmates, recited from the Bible and prayed. (Aug 31, 2018)

What would I would notice if I weren’t so busy? A thought about boxer Jack Johnson. (Jun 1, 2018)

Honesty and humility reflect the strength of belief. (May 4, 2018)

No more ‘us’ and ‘them’: New citizens teach us unity. (Apr 6, 2018)

If I want to promote Christianity, or share the Gospel with someone, is arguing over a motto the best way to do it? (Mar 7, 2018)

There is certainly no perfect faith community, and the spiritual but not religious will always point that out. (Jan 12, 2018)

Observations from the tragic loss of life in the Texas church shooting. We need to go beyond trite phrases. (Nov 15, 2017)

What the Bible says about the relationship between justice and peace. (Oct 16, 2017)

Just as we have the capacity for destruction, we have a possibly greater capacity for the life. Each of us must ask which side of human potential we’re enabling. (Aug 14, 2017)

All the distinctions we place in relating to each other don't matter to canines. On the contrary, it seems that the more different one dog is from another, the more intriguing and interesting that animal becomes. (Jul 13, 2017)

In great or small ways, it’s possible to take steps to avoid the eternal “I’m right!” “No, I’m right!” infinity circle. (Jun 14, 2017)

There is a place for honoring women in church. Listen to her tales of challenges, learn to empathize with struggles for equality. (May 11, 2017)

If going to church is punching your ticket once or twice a year, you’re missing the point. A faith community can be a unique place, but it takes your effort to go there. (April 19, 2017)

Ultimately, in the midst of de-humanization and violence, there is still compassion, hope, companionship, encouragement, justice. That’s an Easter message. (Mar 22, 2017)

Reflections on the peacemaker’s path: Violence is not a component of the kingdom Jesus proclaimed. (Feb 22, 2017)

We seem to excel in defining ourselves by our religion, politics, class and many other distinctions, but are deficient in the basic stuff of simply being nice to each other. (Dec 21, 2016)

The results of Nov. 8 give us little choice but to get to know each other better. (Nov 30, 2016)

Living out our values in concrete ways is what is ultimately important, not who wins or loses the election. (Nov 2, 2016)

When the candidates admitted their mistakes, they gave explanations then swiftly pivoted to point out the past sins of their opponent. Does forgiveness apply in such a context? (Oct 12, 2016)

When freedom becomes a license to do what I want, regardless of how that may affect others, we get off course. (Sep 21, 2016)

Mountains are a biblical theme for a reason. They provide much needed perspective for our hectic lives. (Sep 1, 2016)

Events that threaten to separate us can serve to illustrate just how much we need to come together, the more diverse the better. (Jul 2, 2016)

Muhammad Ali indirectly taught me to look at the full drama of a person’s life, not just one scene, before passing judgment. (Jun 15, 2016)

The United Methodist General Conference wrestled over LGBTQ issues. We have to learn how to come together in order to move ahead. (May 26, 2016)

When threats of violence caused Donald Trump to cancel a Chicago appearance, it wasn’t a victory for some, but a defeat for what our country’s founders believed. (Mar 16, 2016)