MONDAY MEDITATION: When My Sister Visited (October 14)

Teach us to number our days so we can have a wise heart. — Psalm 90:12

My sister and I, both in our 70’s, have made a pact. Each year we’re going to get together, somewhere, sometime. She’s in Florida and I’m in Missouri. Recently she visited me here in St. Louis. On one day, we journeyed to our hometown of Poplar Bluff, and we took along my kids, Cameron and Emma.

Something that really struck me was how our memories of the past were different. We each added to what we remembered about events and people. Actually standing in the places of our history–the house we grew up in, the farm, Main Street–evoked those memories that we shared and expanded. “So that was grandma’s house.” “The bowling alley isn’t there anymore.” “This is the cemetery where someone threw rocks at me.” “It was raining on the day of Mother’s funeral.”

My sister is the only person who shares my earliest years. She reminds me of why family is so special, a gift from God, and should be included as we “number our days.” Treasuring the past, and special people from the past, is a source of a wise heart. It helps us live today, and tomorrow, with greater wisdom and appreciation.

PS–Happy Birthday, Big Sister!

8 thoughts on “MONDAY MEDITATION: When My Sister Visited (October 14)”

  1. Sharing memories with friends and relatives is wonderful. I have recently been to my 55th high school reunion. So glad many have travelled so far to spend together
    And I am pouring through pictures Thanks to my family I have many old pictures, letters, momentous that educate me in many ways Too much to list

  2. I recently renewed friendships with three “girls” I went to grade school and high school with at our fiftieth reunion several years ago. Now we text daily and get together several times a year. It’s like no time passed at all! We love sharing memories from way back when. Like the classic Girl Scout song says, “Make new friends but keep the old; one is silver and the other gold.”

  3. The love, friendships and memories of family and friends is something I am very grateful for. Thank you for reminding me of my blessings.


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