MONDAY MEDITATION: What Happened to That Lost Sheep? (March 17)

In the same way, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who changes both heart and life than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need to change their hearts and lives. — Luke 15:7

Today’s verse comes at the end of Jesus’ story about a shepherd leaving 99 “righteous” sheep and finding the lost one. You can’t really appreciate this parable without noting the context. Jesus is eating with a diverse group of people. Society’s righteous, “the Pharisees and legal experts,” did their usual thing by grumbling among themselves that this so-called Messiah was welcoming sinners and eating with them (Luke 15:2).

So, the 99 were the sheep who thought their job was to determine who fit into the flock. They judged their fellow wooly creatures by whether or not they believed the “right” things. That was righteousness. Believe the laws and the creeds, and feel good that you know them and aren’t like that 100th sheep who’s confused and tangled up somewhere. He gets what he deserves.

And as only Jesus could do, he turned the tables. The Shepherd went out showing unconditional love, acceptance, and grace. The 100th sheep was so overwhelmed that he changed, starting from the inside (“heart”) and then in how he related differently to both God and others (“life”).

Whatever happened to that lost sheep? Do you think he would have felt comfortable living with 99 others who would always treat him as second class? Probably not. He probably sought out another flock who would be more grace-oriented, accepting, and affirming. Who knows? Maybe some of the original 99, fatigued by the relentless judging, would have joined him. And maybe the Shepherd preferred to lead that flock anyway, since he came “to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10).

I say to you that unless your righteousness is greater than the righteousness of the legal experts and the Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:20)

3 thoughts on “MONDAY MEDITATION: What Happened to That Lost Sheep? (March 17)”

  1. I suppose outsiders do consider us church attendees as Pharisees but I never thought of that. I think education is playing a big role in church society today. Churches once perpetuated fear as the way of God and the Pharisees were good at that.


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