MONDAY MEDITATION: Clearing the View (December 30)

But clear thinking, like an expert gardener, pulls out the weeds, trims, supports, waters, and cares for the plants in every way. So it tames the jungle of habits and emotions. — 4 Maccabees 1:29

The farmhouse in which I grew up overlooked a small lake. It was a wonderful backdrop as we ate our meals. The water reflected the colors of the trees and sky. Occasionally wood ducks rested there. Sound enhancements, such as bullfrogs and whippoorwills, deepened the effect.

A few weeks ago, after a few decades, I returned to the property. Walking around the back of the house (with the owner’s permission), I couldn’t see the lake. It was still there, but underbrush and trees had grown up, obstructing the view.

My main job as a kid was whacking down the weeds between the lake and house. I now understand why. If I didn’t do that regularly, we would eventually be unable to see the canvas God was painting.

There are lakes, trees, and sky around us every day. If we don’t whack the weeds, though, we’ll miss their beauty. What weeds should you whack, and keep whacked? One of the big ones for me is worrying about what “might” happen.

Whatever your weed(s), maybe the best way to whack is focusing on the beauty God has presented you with. We can’t control tomorrow, but we can control what we choose to see today. And I want to see a lake with some contented wood ducks.

Wouldn’t that be a great resolution for 2025?

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