MONDAY MEDITATION: Making More Fairy Gardens (March 3)

You are the light of the world. A city on top of a hill can’t be hidden…Let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven. — Matthew 5:14, 16

There’s a nature trail near our house. Walking it one day, I spied something beautiful and creative. In the hollow part of a tree trunk, someone had made a fairy garden. There were miniature fairies, cottages, flowers, etc. I imagined perhaps a parent and their child enjoyed designing it together. To protect it, they sealed everything with a thick plexiglass cover. It was obviously meant to be a lasting work of art, to be enjoyed by trailwalkers.

It survived less than a week.

The next time I hiked, the plexiglass had been smashed, with bits of it littering the space where the fairies had been. Things were looted and destroyed. I imagined some young people thought it was cool and fun to vandalize it.

My first response was anger and disgust. Why intentionally destroy something beautiful? And why hurt whoever created it, especially if a child participated?

But hearing Jesus’ words reminded me of a better response. It should be: “OK, this isn’t surprising, seeing how there’s a dark side imprinted in our genes. Now, where can I help create another fairy garden?”

When Jesus said we’re the light of the world, he didn’t add that we should turn off our light if things grow too dark. He acknowledged there would be those wanting to smash fairy gardens; after all, they killed him, the one true, beautiful person. But our job is to keep on shining, especially because the dark seems omnipresent. Giving, forgiving. Being compassionate and empathetic, hopeful and encouraging. Standing up for those unlike ourselves because that’s the beautiful tapestry of God’s kingdom.

When I pass the remnants of that fairy garden on my walks, I’m going to lift up a prayer for whoever thought it would be cool to destroy it. My prayer will be that they may discover how beautiful it is to live in the light than stay in the dark.

2 thoughts on “MONDAY MEDITATION: Making More Fairy Gardens (March 3)”

  1. Oh my! Perfect story illustrating good and evil. Evil always at work which results in workers needed to be at work for good.
    Thank God for good men like you.


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