MONDAY MEDITATION: Conspiracy Theories (March 24)

Truth examines the heart and hears what is said. — Wisdom of Solomon 1:6* Conspiracy theories have always been popular. Religious authorities thought Jesus wanted to overthrow them. Political authorities have been quick to cast blame on perceived conspirators, such as what Hitler did with the Jews. In a contemporary context, conspiracy theories explain why …

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Paul or Demetrius?

[Demetrius said,] “You can see and hear that this Paul has convinced and misled a lot of people, not only in Ephesus but also throughout most of the province of Asia. He says that gods made by human hands aren’t really gods.”…Once they heard this, they were beside themselves with anger and began to shout, …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: No Warranty Needed (February 17)

You are the one who created my innermost parts; you knit me together while I was still in my mother’s womb. — Psalm 139:13 Here’s a fun exercise to put mortality into perspective. Google, “What was the most popular car in the year I was born?” It turns out for me, in 1953, it was the Chevrolet (not …

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MONDAY MEDITATION: Olives and Chicken Livers (January 27)

Fools find no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing their opinion. — Proverbs 18:2 My daily routine starts with coffee, cereal, and reading the St. Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper (in that order). But in reading the Post today, what stood out to me was the “Opinion” section. That’s where you’ll find letters to the editor and …

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